
This is a record of things I haven't evidence for but that I'm interested in investigating.

1. Once, I woke up in the night because my partner and I heard a sound somewhere in our room. It was loud enough to wake both of us. When we turned on the light, I saw a male H. illatus beetle was an open area of the floor, near the direction of the sound. I think it may have been the beetle, maybe making a louder stridulation for mating, but I'm far from certain. This was in a summer month when adults are very active. I can only describe the sound as a scraping, like two pieces of paper rubbing against each other. 

2. I have found three separate sets of H. illatus larvae in batches of two. Each time they were found only several inches from each other. I'd like to establish if this is coincidence and, if not, the reason for this distribution. If females lay eggs in pairs, then larvae must stay relatively close to their hatching location. 


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